Trauma Therapy

With over 20 yrs of full-time clinical work with individuals and families, I have worked with the whole gamut of interpersonal trauma and disturbing experiences in human relationships. Besides natural disasters, crime, war etc. most of the traumatic experiences one can have are generally from people we are in relationship with.

I have worked with children traumatised by experiences of abuse, neglect, disrupted attachment, foster care placements and high conflict separations.

I have worked with the parents and carers of these children often struggling to cope with the ongoing impacts of trauma in their early life or still living in dangerous situations.

I have worked with adolescents struggling to find their way through this monumental developmental stage, to work out who they are in relation to peers and family, and flooded by messages from social media. Often the effects of early trauma and attachment difficulties show up strongly at this time.

I have worked with women trying to exit violent relationships, who need a strategic plan to do this safely and lots of support when they feel disempowered, unsafe, insecure about accommodation etc. and still need to parent their children.

I have worked with men who use violence and control in their relationships, and generally have also experienced childhood trauma, emotional instability and often have very distorted perceptions of relationships.

I have worked with adults who were physically/ sexually abused as children.

… and many many people who still experience low self-worth and relationship difficulties as a result of childhood experiences from unattuned, insensitive or scary parenting, abandonment, isolation, humiliation and shame etc. from many countless relationship experiences.

The primary modalities and frameworks I draw on in trauma treatment include, but not limited to:
EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing), Structural Dissociation, IFS (Internal Family Systems), Somatic approaches, Focusing, Dynamic Maturational Model of Adaptation and Attachment (DMM), Attachment Theory, Schema Therapy, Psychodynamic, Developmental Psychopathology, Systemic and Narrative Therapy, Interpersonal Neurobiology and Cognitive Behavioural Therapy.

I am an EMDR Accredited practitioner and a Tier 2 Senior Counsellor for the NSW Department of Justice – Victims of Crime

Learn more about my work with EMDR  –  CLICK HERE
Learn more about my work with Attachment –  CLICK HERE

For more information about Trauma and PTSD – CLICK HERE
For more information about EMDR theory and the Adaptive Information Processing Model – CLICK HERE
For more information about Attachment Theory, adaptation and memory systems – CLICK HERE
